Delivery & Returns
Australia shipping information
Country | Delivery time | Cost | Duty & custom charges | Tracked delivery |
Australia | 9-16 working days | FREE | Charges may apply | Yes |
New Zealand | 9-16 working days | FREE | Charges apply on orders above $40 | Yes |
For shipping information to other countries/regions please visit the appropriate store.
Additional shipping details
All shipping times and duty & customs charges displayed are approximate. If customs charges occur, you, the buyer are 100% responsible for the fees. We are not responsible for customs charges and have no influence on local customs or the time needed for packages to pass through customs.
Please Note: Orders over 2 boxes may incur duty & customs charges in some countries.
What happens next?
Once you have placed an order you will receive an order confirmation email. As soon as the order has been dispatched a tracking number will be sent via email.
We aim to dispatch deliveries within 24 hours of placing your order. Orders placed on the weekends or Bank Holidays will be dispatched the next working day. Orders placed after 10am (GMT) will be dispatched the next working day.
You have 14 working days to return your order under our return policy, which starts on the day after you received the item. To see more details and if you are eligible for a refund please view our refunds policy or contact